All posts by admin


Purse Trends

Purse Trends
There are few decisions we toil over as much as picking out a new purse….and for good reason – our lives are stored inside!  Everything from personal identification, credit cards, cash, the best shade for lips, cell phones, keys to the automobile – everything we NEED.  Then, there is the issue of choosing the RIGHT purse.  According to Vogue, “the most game changing decisions your likely to make in your wardrobe will boil down .

Real Girls’ Countdown Guide to The Big Game

Super bowl is the next thing we have to cross off the list this month!  Whether you are going to a get together or hosting a party, there are a few MUSTS that have to be addressed……. First, like all girls, we have to decide on the outfit.  For the Big Game, keeping it simple is a must for casual Sunday.  Adding a monogrammed scarf to top of a pair of jeans and boots are .

The Fading New Years Resolutions

It’s a new year and as I enter week #4, I am already strategizing as to how to keep my resolutions from simply becoming a “to do list” for the first week of January! Surly alone I do not stand girls!!!! So what do we do? Let’s take for instance my number one goal this year – physical wellness… this exact moment it is easy to hide what I am or am not failing .